Sunday, August 2, 2020

Covid 19 pandemic broken my family

Covid pandemic has stress out my family, more the pattern of my wife of loaning money from one person to other break out of order. She filed divorce to me as she is influenced by the her stepmother from particularly older stepmother that demand her daughter to be at home and never depart in and out for things that spread virus through air. It is contagious disease. The biological step grandmother four year and 3 months toddler to stay at home without seeing her playful daddy. Step grandmother has mental disorder as result of years of her husband being useless and does not work for anything. The step grandmother has estrangement the toddler to see his toddler. The stepmother has interfered the couple family and its toddler for reason 1. Money breaching and patter of Anger towards kid 2. Step mother has involved in alienation her daughter husband in such that she made up deal for 3. The step grandmother malicious syndrome happen to me Malicious step grandparent syndrome and malicious mother are characterized by four major criteria. Someone suffering from the syndrome: 1. Attempts to punish the divorcing for child support though alienating children Dad from protecting his kids This attempts is gain control as if she is filing for divorce. 2. Seeks to deny Dad visitation towards children and use abusing action 3. Block communication and involvement child's school or extra-curricular activities; but use for example money as reasoning to gain support of kids school 4. Kid repeatedly is suffered from communication disorder or even mental disorder as result of full control of her married daughter 5. Malicious step grandparent is seldom happened but the step grandmother that has mental disorder usually take any such control as her husband is useless at home for providing breadwinner. 6. The malicious step grandparent is also involved and engage in violation of law.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Get Free Tour Jakarta when You buy Property Apartment in the Center of Jakarta

Travel Blog Site

 Get Free Tour Jakarta When Reserved Purchase Agreement Voucher

Kenapa mau investasi Apartemen Tomang Park??

Property Developer yang telah membangun 
Property  Lumiere di Taiwan, Gramercy di Hongkong and Crystal Galleria di Shanghai serta 282 Uchikanda di Tokyo dan Beaumont di Taipeh

Property Tomang Park dilokasikan di daerah hunian residen dan jauh dari kebisingan
Untuk Mahasiswa atau profesi Karyawan harga sewa yang terus  naik di sekitar mencapai Rp 2,5 juta per bulan dan tidak memiliki fasilitas  seperti parking mobil, pustaka buku, sport center yang sedang dibangun oleh Property Developer Tomang Apartemen

Akses Tol dekat dan  300 meter dari Kampus UNTAR dan Trisakti
10 menit dari Shopping Mall Taman Anggrek and Central Park dan Perkantoran SOHO Central Park

Monday, February 3, 2020

Fagetti sebagai Perusahaan Marmer terbaik di Indonesia

Travel Blog Site

Beberapa Bimbingan Memilih dan Memasang Marmer Terbaik.

Perhatikan apa apa yang mesti dilakukan sebelum marmer dibeli dan sampai ke tempat pemasangan, Pilahkan apakah marmer  untuk lantai yang tidak licin, atau untuk lantai yang sering basah seperti kamar mandi atau dapur yang mesti memakai marmer yang mengandung tanah liat, Memesan marmer yang dipilah adalah marmer untuk dalam ruangan seperti marmer untuk arus jalan kaki yang ramai, marmer untuk  ruang tamu atau ruang kamar tidur. Marmer yang sudah dipolis permukaaannya cenderung licin maka perlu perawatan polishing.  

Tiga (3) alasan-alasan dibalik ketenarn indahnya marmer dari batu alam marmer.

1. Sejarah: Lamanya marmer di fasilitas publik dan dunia pusaka. Marmer didalamani dalam dunia perabadaban dan pusaka. Biasanya diyakini oleh seniman yang membangun kembali untuk menciptakan bagian bagian dunia pekerja pekerja iconik dari hak cipta seniman marmer. Kualitas Marmer telah dibuktikan pada titik puncak dan pada titik yang diuji oleh waktu dekade bahkan berabad-abad yang berdiri pada banyak ruang dalam dan ruang luar dalam gedung gedung di ruang.

 2. Pusaka: Satu bocoran marmer dipilih terunggul karena batu batu diproses oleh seniman seni yang terkenal. Mereka adalah pionir dalam proses metoda metoda persiapkan menjadi produk marmer yang tahan. Seniman ini adalah levelansir kualita dalam berbagai bidang fashion, mobil dan batu alam seperti marmer. Mereka yang menset standarisasi kualitas kontrol. Mereka akan dipanggial dalam bidan seni ilmu tekniknya saat proses pemotongan dan pengukiran batu alam.

  • Kualitas dasar batunya: Marmer praktisnya bukan dari temannya produk dunia dari batu alam ketika diuji dalam ketahanannya, kemurniaannya dan keindahannya. Marmer dipersamakan  dengan kemewahan, keluwe, and njlimet. Marmer adalah produk dan simbol status dalam pemukiman ruah dan gedung gedung komersial di seluruh dunia.

Bagaimana Menindak Kualitas Sebuah Potongan Petak Marmer ?

1. Siramkan jus lemon dan amati porositas dan amati bila ada noda putih karena kebanyakan bahan kalsium.
2. Goreskan permukaaan marmer dan gosok dengan bensin apakah warna permukaannya pudar dan artifisial  
3. Amati permukaan pantan marmer apakah berbentuk lekukan ataru berserat rambu. Bila ditemukan ini adalah tanda marmer yang mudah pecah dan mudah tergores.
4. Siramlah air pada potongan marmer sebelum dipasang, marmernya mesti stabil bentuk dan rupa.
5.  Sinari dengan senter  pada sudut 45 derejat dan amati jemu dan potongan diujung marmer apakah ada porositas dan tempelan pengisi.
6. Periksalah  belahan marmer dari retakan dan ketuk dengar suara seperti suara serak.
7. Muatlah secara vertikal marmer marmer mesti diletakan saat siang hari bukan di tempat gelap
  malam hari 
8. Carilah potongan belahan dan retakan and ukurlah ketebalan marmer tidak ada yang bervariasi dan benjol
Bagaimana Menempatkan dan Memasang Marmer-Marmer untuk Desainkan   
 Lantai Bermotif Seni?

Proses Akhir Marmer yang telah dipasang dengan Polis Lantai

Fagetti Sebagai Supplier Marmer Utama di Indonesia

A guidance of marbles for flooring ? Make an available in various anti-slip or slip-resistant finishes, for wet floor like bathroom and kitchens provides vitrified tilesMarble flooring is the best choice for indoor areas like foyers, halls and bedrooms. Polished marble surfaces also tend to be slippery when used in bathrooms
Three reasons behind the popularity of the beautiful marbles of natural stone:
  • History: Marble is steeped in heritage. It was used by esteemed renaissance artists  to create some of the worlds most iconic works of art the marble creation  has been proven to point a stand and point to test of time and a point of strong for centuries on many buildings around the world, used both internally and externally.
  • Heritage: Another reason marble is considered superior is due to the stone working heritage of the stone craft-men. They were pioneers in perfecting quarrying methods in ancient times, many of which are still used to this day. Those people are considered as purveyors of quality in many fields including fashion, cars and natural stone like marble! They set high standards for quality control and are considered technical experts when it comes to cutting and carving natural stone.
  • Stone Quality:  Marble is practically peerless in the natural stone world when it comes to its durability, purity and beauty. It’s synonymous with luxury, elegance and sophistication and is seen as a symbol of status in residential and commercial buildings around the world

How to check the quality of A cut of Marble product?
1. Pour lemon juice and observe the porosity and check for white stain for calcite presents
2. Scratching the surface of marble or rub with gasoline, color can fade and it is artificial marble
3. Observe the back surface marble with present mesh or net, it is a weaker stone so it is prone to cracking and etching 
4. Splashing water on unpolished marble, the marble at constant look and appearance
5.  Use spot lighter at 45 degree, and see the dull and small patches,the marble is under filling pores of marble.
6. Check up for cracks or fissures and knock the hear the sound is like hoarse.
7. Loading for marble must be done in day light not a dark or night and vertically.
8. Look for the cuts on the edge and chips and equal thickness of marble no variation or bend. 
   The cut-edge or marbles  must measure at right angle.

How to Install Marbles for Designing  Art-Floor.

Finishing Installed Marbles Through Polishing Floor

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Malaysia My second home dengan beli properti Bora Residence Johor Baru

Travel Blog Site

Beli properti kondominium dapat travel gratis sebesar 4000 Ringgit dan tinggal di Malaysia dengan Malaysia As My Second home Bora Residence near Singapore 10 minutes. Hubungi Pak Indra atau comment dibawah ini. Harga sekitar  860000 ringgit
Unit tinggal 86 saja. Cepat buruan.

GIIA Member

Monday, October 8, 2018

Global Immigration Investment Agency is opportunity to travel and networking

 Click below to become GII Agency

GIIA Member
The Associates is equipped with designation to learn immigration and investment of given United State and European Union law that already existed  base on case to case to private individual investor. The Associates is networking with Speaker of Indonesia Public for example “Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal” and Bappenas to assisting and elaborating Small and Medium Direct Foreign Investment that targeting job creation in Indonesia. So this Global Immigration Investment Agency is a path to study Global Immigration Investment, Networking and Opportunity to become Expertise in area of Immigration, Investment and has extensive International Lawyer Networking.
GII is designed to attract foreign investment and business, investment immigration is a win win as the desired country gets the desired investment, job creation and a hardworking individual. While the program offering within grace countries has been seen incredible success over the past few years, this success has also brought some scrutiny and political wrangling. From documenting income in the trade free zone to facing extreme vetting in the era of protectionism to FEMA and RBI remittance regulation, the citizenship by investment has its own share to solve.
To solve your queries, ET and NYSA Global have created a platform where leading immigration industry specialist will compare and explore new and emerging opportunities for ASEAN GII Agencies  to help investor to invest and migrate through the world’s  top citizenship by investment programs.
Global Immigration Investment Agency Jakarta chapter will provide case to case offering which will give you access to the most updated information on the available offering from United States EB5 Immigration Visa and EU through Cyprus Permanent Resident and Citizenship program. More the GII Agent can become global network Immigration Investment Submit that offering expertise study in global investor market, and learn the framework initiative through BKPM and Bappenas current guideline.

 GII Agency for European Union GGI Agency for United State

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Travel to Bandung with toddler

Travel Blog Site

Kudu Nganjang daek Ka Bandung  ngambreg anakna,  Mari ka baca blog dieu.
Let's go to Bandung with toddler, Need to read this blog at first.

Paris Van Java Kids Zoo

Care of animal Herd on the top of Paris Van Java Kids Zoo is interesting place to visit for toddler. Beside you can go downstair for shopping, for eating and playing and nursery change room at PVJ. You can spare time to educate toddlers.  
When you come with a taxy up to make sure the drop off  inside the are of mall of PJV as pedestrian walks outside the mall not safety  to walk for toddler and taxy driver tends to not ask your permission to drop off by the street where jam of car on that street

The cost is affordable around US 4 dollar including herd vegetarian food and kid milk 300 ml cartoon and 1 dollar for adult companion to enter the rooftop zoo.

Dago Dream Park

Dago Dream Park is located at Dago Giri Street, Village Mekarwangi. The Park is cool and nature open to sky park. The entrance for toddler to outbound game is good for climbing and jumping  that exercise the feet and leg of your toddler. The house is anti gravitation, and toddler play with wet clay to mold shape, fishing and feeding the herb near by.

The Dream Park is on every day and week from 08:00 am to 18:00 pm. This tour transport can ride toddler to ride around the area of Dream Park.

Gang Sereh

When you wish to make kites? Visitto Gang Sere at AStana Anyar Street. You can see the collection of kites by Lei Fie Kita, the dedicated apprentice of making kites. The shop is not hard to find, the sign of big kits with image of face.
Come this afternoon, you can your toddler can participate to learn simple kite. Do not worry (call Lei Fie Kiat) He will direct and help the process of making kites on the spot. The kids can draw imaginative picture on the plane of kite.

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dream as Million Stars at Night for Parent who Love Travel

Travel Blog Site

Dream as Million Stars at Night for Parent who Love Travel for their kids.

Parent, you are a bread winner for your kids and you love your family
Daddy, it is not enough just gathering during meal for his kids.
Mommy is not enough just to sending her kids to school.
Kids have a million dreams
You as parent also have a dream.
How to begin to grabbing and getting along for a million dreams while you as a parent your own dream are fading away.

A millions dreams isn't a one moment your family have vacation together.
A million dreams isn't a lucky moment that someone else done for your family.
A million dreams isn't ease as just a one time dream your kid has ever told.
A million dreams is a Million Dreams
Of the same dream your kids love to do and work with you as parent.
to grab a Dream as Million Stars At Night for Parent who love travel.

Parent to Dream with kid often Join this as life time member and annually

The greatest dream of  a boy has  ever recorded is 
Joseph dream of eleven stars bowed down to him. 

Joseph’s Dreams

37 Jacob lived in the land where his father had stayed, the land of Canaan.
This is the account of Jacob’s family line.
Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them.
Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate[a] robe for him. When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.
Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had: We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.”
His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?” 
And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”
10 When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?” 11 His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.
If your dream does not scare you, then you dream is too small because you won't have a million dream. It is too short. Chase the Lion is more than a catch phrase; it’s a radically different approach to life. It’s only when we stop fearing failure that we can fully seize opportunity by the mane. With grit and gusto, New York Timesbest-selling author Mark Batterson delivers a bold message to everyone with a big dream. This is a wake-up call to stop living as if the purpose of life was to simply arrive safely at death. Our dreams should scare us. They should be so big that without God they would  be  impossible to achieve. Quit running away from what you’re afraid of. 

Click Picture Here to hear  reprise song lyrics of a million dreams
 kid dream

As Parent a million dreams happen when you are proactive to hear and take action  little by little for your kids, for example:
 There once was a wonderful mommy,
who asked each of her children once a week 
if they had any secret wishes,
while she was  putting them to bed.
This way they both could dream about it,
and maybe, because when learn to control our dreams,
they can come true.
She also told them that the smaller the dream,

the easier it was to make come true.
But the bigger dreams could be made possible by working on them 
a little bit at a time, little by little, night by night, and day by day,
while we are awake, and making plans of how they are to be.
She also told them a story about a little grouse,
who wanted to build a house, and started with only one piece of straw.
The grouse had to decide when the house was big enough for his dream

The mother then asked her child,
“What do you dream of "?

“[God’s prophetDaniel saw a dream . . . as he lay on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream; he recorded a complete account of the matters.”Daniel 7:1.


God has conveyed important messages to people in a variety of ways. In Bible times, he occasionally used dreams. But these were not everyday vague, illogical dreams. Dreams from God were vivid and coherent, and they had a definite message. For example, in a dream, the prophet Daniel saw a series of beasts that symbolize political empires from Babylon down to our time. (Daniel 7:1-3, 17) By means of a dream, God told Joseph of Nazareth, the adoptive father of Jesus, to flee to Egypt with his wife and child. As a result, Jesus escaped death at the hands of vicious King Herod. When Herod died, God disclosed his death to Joseph by means of a dream, at the same time instructing him to return with his family to their homeland.Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23.

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