Sunday, December 24, 2017

Real As A dream

Real as a dream
 China Dream

What shall I do with this great dream, an opportunity to fly?

What is the interpretation of this blur dream?

if I can dream, a hot dream and dream anything ä-pər-ˈtü-nə-tē, 
Can I dream?

I am awake now and why do that?
When I dream in a dream that I wake up what?

it happens when I try to move,  a dream that I move

and the effort moves and moves till I've conceived the idea.

When I wake up  but reluctant to be awaking

when I was dreaming still  but try to remember next time in dreams

that I am in dreaming and more dream anything I want when I'm awaken.

When I'm in solid awake what do I desire?

I desire to fulfill my emotional belly, when I am hungry

My whole body and my heart up to my finger and toes are thrilling  with new fulfillment.

To fill pages of celestial rhymes burning fire-words

event consuming time but continue write to grab a real dream.

Since ancient wisdom, God has communicated to people in dreams. Some dream like symbolic and some involve instructions from God.
Dreams are fascinating to me, and I am figuring now that they are interesting to you, too. Since God has revealed His words through dreams, I thought it might be cool to search the reading dreams in the Bible and what that dream means.
 Are you interested in Bible Infographic? There are  of 21 dreams in Bible 

In ancient land of china, Dream is stroken as 夢 (mèng), character that stands for dream.It is based on the radical character 夕,  (xī) refers to night or dusk,  Dream character in land of China 夢 (mèng) conveys the idea of not being in the brightness of daylight and thus not seeing clearly.More  夢 (mèng)  means obscured vision or eyesight. 

Quiet Night Thoughts

床前明月光Chuáng qián míng yuè guāng
Bright moonlight before my bed;

疑是地上霜Yí shì dìshàng shuāng
I suppose it is frost on the ground.

舉頭望明月Jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè
I raise my head to view the bright moon,

低頭思故鄉Dītóu sī gùxiāng
then lower it, thinking of my home village.
Dream 夢 (mèng) other phrases of Dream 夢 (mèng) :
1.  夢想 (mèng xiǎng) means “dream think,” to dream of something in one’s thoughts
2. 夢幻 (mèng huàn), means dream, fantasy, or illusion, literally “dream fantasy”.
3.  夢見 (mèng jiàn), means to see in a dream, literally “dream see.”
Dream in the land of mixture of people Indonesia is borned as the the result of hard life, financial chaos , turmoil and major disruption happen in Indonesia. As Merry Riana has written a book that has impacted youngster the book title: Mimpi Sejuta Dolar. More The Dream, Memoir of  Harry Bernstein’s selfless mother never stops dreaming of a better life in America, no matter how unlikely. Then, one miraculous day when Harry is twelve years old, steamship tickets arrive in the mail, sent by an anonymous benefactor. Suddenly, a new life full of the promise of prosperity seems possible–and the family sets sail for America

Are we living the good life—and what defines 'good,' anyway? Americans today are constructing a completely different framework for success than their parents' generation, using new metrics that TED speaker and On Being columnist Courtney Martin has termed collectively the "New Better Off." The New Better Off puts a name to the American phenomenon of rejecting the traditional dream of a 9-to-5 job, home ownership, and a nuclear family structure—illuminating the alternate ways Americans are seeking happiness and success.

Including commentary on recent changes in how we view work, customs and community, marriage, rituals, money, living arrangements, and spirituality, The New Better Off uses personal stories and social analysis to explore the trends shaping our country today. Martin covers growing topics such as freelancing, collaborative consumption, communal living, and the breaking down of gender roles. 

The New Better Off is about the creative choices individuals are making in their vocational and personal lives, but it’s also about the movements, formal and informal, that are coalescing around the New Better Off idea—people who are reinventing the social safety net and figuring out how to truly better their own communities.

The New Kids: Big Dreams and Brave Journeys at a High School for Immigrant Teens

Some walked across deserts and mountains to get here. One arrived after escaping in a suitcase. And others won’t say how they got here. 

These are “the new kids”: new to America and all the routines and rituals of an American high school, from lonely first days to prom. They attend Brooklyn’s International High School at Prospect Heights, where all the students are recent immigrants learning English. Together, they come from more than forty-five countries and speak more than twenty-eight languages. 

An inspiring work of narrative journalism, The New Kids chronicles a year in the lives of teenage newcomers who are at once ordinary and extraordinary in their paths to the American Dream. Hauser’s unforgettable portraits include Jessica, kicked out of her father’s home just days after arriving from China; Ngawang, who spent twenty-four hours folded up in a suitcase to escape Tibet; Mohamed, a diamond miner’s son from Sierra Leone whose past is shrouded in mystery; and Chit Su, a Burmese refugee who is the only person to speak her language in the entire school. 

The students deal with enormous obstacles: traumas and wars in their native countries that haunt them, and pressures from their cultures to marry or to drop out and go to work. They aren’t just jostling for their places in the high school pecking order—they are carving out new lives for themselves in America.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Reach the World

 Reach Your World

Reach the World is such a rare but magic Words to inspire million people. The phrases early came from The Song by Mark Bishop with Rhyme Poem

One day that seed somehow breaks through,
Where there was one, there now stands two.
And soon another takes his hand
A ray of hope that spreads across the land.

Across the mountains, across the sea,
Soon others join in harmony.
They found the cross still standing strong
And soon a mighty chorus sings along.
Go reach the world, touch one more soul
Bring one more lamb back to the fold.
Each soul another flag unfurled.
Each voice another chance to reach the world.


Don't let me pray, Lord for wealth or fame
A spark that sets the world a flame.

There are not many website with domain keyword "reachtheworld" The only six reachtheworld site that is contain the reachtheworld so far. Why so? There are so many site that has not been used for 4994 site not been used currently. What happen with this keyword Reach The World that not being used nowday
As Internet seem and feel that you already Reach the World. The original Reach the world that you already use the 5 sensory sense: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, Internet savvy Reach the world has numb human to use only sight and hear. With your job as the writer and entrepreneur to Reach The World then you need to touch the World by visitation and Taste the food there. Smell the aroma and feeling what actually happen on that special event. Then you write and amplify your story to the World. With Clicking and get your blog or site with the Best Web Hosting  below you are really complete your journey not only to see and hear the news but you are making the adventure to Reach the World.

As this is a power word mean REACH by Robert E. Coleman of his current book 
R= Rely on God Through Prayer
E =Equipped yourself to Defend the Fait
A= Accept Responsibility to Build Relationships.
C=Clearly Share your own Story
H=Help them to Connect to Christ Community

Despite cultural and philosophical differences, I've learned that people all over the world are more similar than they are dissimilar. At the end of the day, people are people. We may look different, sound different and eat different foods, but we desire the same fundamental things: love, family, relationships, connection, a sense of belonging and, of course, a roof over our heads and enough money to keep food on the table. Some of my greatest moments while traveling have been making connections with local people and travelers from other countries. I've had fascinating conversations about cultural differences, as well as common human experiences that everyone can relate to. And when we speak different languages and can't communicate verbally, a simple smile with eye contact can be an amazing form of connection. It's a way of being present, living in the moment. Put down your smartphone and observe the beautiful world around you.
Traveling outside of the country leads to many exciting adventures, both planned and unplanned. You will bring home many hilarious and heartwarming stories to tell your family and friends. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and chances are you'll be excited to come home at the end of your trip. Living abroad has given me a greater appreciation for how blessed 
I was made to reach the world in Mandarin is  到达世界, Dàodá shìjiè

Monday, December 4, 2017

Gambling runs out and ruin and ruin my life

A Hidden Addiction: Gambling runs out and ruin my life
so I run out of the society where the government does not accept it.

You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No, they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through like you do
And I was made for you...
All of these scars across my heart
Tell it the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When I've got no one to tell them to
It's true... I was made for you
Oh yeah, well it's true...
was made for you... 
Copyright: Phillip John Hanseroth

My story of Gambling as continued

Table Mountain is the only escape to have fun and get paid casino money in the valley of Fresno in 1999. Beginning I was kind of reluctant to be invited to shinny neon light of Table Mountain alone and always came with crowds. The crowding buddy said Earn Combs and avoid big losses Then as the feeling and sensing kind of right.

I get to used  the going there until driving alone is not a big deal and More when I sensed high so driving alone was special feeling and sensing is a way to self sacrificed just to touching a jack pot. Table Mountain was crowded all nights at all time. As I was owning to job that drive the next morning highway 41 West about 50 miles down each day to Handford, I barely miss the time because of the exciting that night and thrilling to win casino money and giving reward to  the dealer. It was fun. The more I give back, the more I will be winning. My Mazda 626 was crashed the right door where I was opposite direction of 41 Highway North. My head was smashed the steer wheel and the right door was bang inside and the glass turned to pieces. The wall of divider highway was stretched deep and pieces of debris cement was all over the shoulder lane. I was not on the left side lane that crowded with moving car but "find my silence" inside the Mazda seat. The motor police was approaching me and I was fine and the car got towed so I lied by calling my boss to not able to able to go for accident because of sickness  Then I rent car until Mazda got sold and bought another car.

As this incident I ran out and stay at Lemoore with Mexican Family that has horse ranch. I did not know that the new Indian Casino just ready to open. As I got bored at night as Lemoore was dark at night and foggy so my sensing high to hit a Jack pot in new casino was more chance to win. Black Jack was paid twice. Until my wallet was stolen then I the mail come to my brother house the identification card that was saved.  As It cursed me again then I was fired by my boss. So I ran out and far to the south to. I realize that "The Casino Took All My Money, Am I  Going Back For It?"

Story of Gambling Addiction
The wiitness of story of Fall and rise of a gambler by proclamming and writting his book for Charity to his son. Justyn Rees Larcombe had it all. Around his beautiful home were the mementoes of success - the Sword of Honour awarded by the Queen when he left Sandhurst; the silver photo frames with the pictures of his much loved wife and family; the rooms full of the rewards of a City career. But Justyn had a parallel life: he gambled. Gradually he allowed it to take over everything, getting through a staggering three quarters of a million pounds - some his own money, some his wife's, an some belonging to the company he worked for. The crunch came: he lost his job; his wife left him, taking his sons; and anything that could be sold was - and then gambled away again. One day, he had no alternative but to go back to his mother's home and start again. Today Justyn has a high profile in the media, talking about the dangers of gambling and helping others coping with gambling addiction. 

2. Story of Gambling
 CNN News, "Gambling Addiction as Real as Alcoholism." June 18, 1999.
Millions of people like to gamble, whether it be casino-style games or lotteries. For some gambling is an addiction, a sickness just like alcoholism or cancer, that can destroy lives.
It is hard to cure a compulsive gambler, but there are doctors and counselors who work with people whose lives have been turned inside out by their quest to win the big one.
Arnie Wexler is a reformed compulsive gambler who now runs a hot line for addicted gamblers. He says gambling nearly destroyed his life. "I was running around at that time of my life wishing and praying I had enough guts to kill myself. I thought that if I killed myself and left my wife with $5,000 of insurance money and two kids in the house, it was the only way out of this mess," Wexler says. Experts say compulsive gambling is a real illness.
"The addiction to gambling is different in that it's purely a behavior. It's not an addiction to a chemical or substance, but it involves a similar process, in that it's a compulsive behavior that the person has no control over," says Maimonides Medical Center clinical psychiatrist David Yamins. Because there is no chemical or substance, gambling is an invisible addiction. There are no telltale physical signs, no track marks, no smell of alcohol. Wexler says that is what makes the compulsive gambler so elusive. "I'm gonna tell you that I'm recovered 31 years, and you don't know I just didn't come from buying 1,000 lottery tickets or calling my bookmaker before you walked in here, or I just didn't get back from Atlantic City an hour ago," says Wexler. What drives the compulsion to gamble? Yamins says it is the thrill. "They're holding onto the myth, the idea that they're gonna hit it with one big turn of the wheel, or one big play of the slot, that they're gonna correct all the trouble with their life."
Many compulsive gamblers do occasionally have large paydays. Wexler had a few, but that only made his problem worse. "I chased that big win every day of my life, figuring that I can do this again," he says. Even though compulsive gambling is a legitimate medical diagnosis, treatment is not covered by insurance. Society views gambling as a behavioral problem that people should be able to control. Experts say this policy is unlikely to change until society accepts compulsive gambling as a real disease.

3. The story of Gambling Addiction

My testimony as I chase my losses of Gambling and He lost his relation. As He hit bottom. That Night He decide that he want to change his life, his attitude and come back to hearth of worship. He signed paper that if he was banned to enter the casino he will be trespassed and go to jail. Baptist Church has welcome him his kids because God has transforming him with his renew. He is in music ministry and show 10000 reason guitar song as God on the process of transforming him. Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.

There is an alternative to 12-step! You can reduce almost any type of addictive behavior -- from drinking to sex, eating, and the Internet -- with this practical and effective workbook. Treats addictive behaviors in general, not one at a time -- because if you’re prone to addictions, you’ve probably got more than one. Addictive behavior can result from the use of almost any substance, or involvement in almost any activity. The harm that results from the addictive behavior, and the individual's difficulty in controlling it, is what matters. Supported by scientific research, Dr. Horvath approaches addiction as a bad habit, not a disease. He emphasizes taking responsibility, without requiring an allegiance to a "higher power," and teaches general principles of addictive behavior change, so readers can apply them as often as they need. Horvath teaches the consequences (and even possible benefits) of addictive behavior, alternative coping methods, choice, understanding and dealing with urges, building a new lifestyle, preventing relapse. Includes dozens of exercises, self-study questions, guidelines for individual change plans

The Best Strategies for All Casino Games.
The lives of two strangers intersect, Ana, a struggling mother and Saul, a gambling addict, in a gripping drama The Hollywood Reporter calls, "Ultimately Haunting." During a petty theft gone wrong, Saul kidnaps Ana's behaviorally challenged son and their lives are tragically changed forever.

Addiction by Design
Anthropologist Natasha Dow Schüll shows how the mechanical rhythm of electronic gambling pulls players into a trancelike state they call the "machine zone," in which daily worries, social demands, and even bodily awareness fade away. Once in the zone, gambling addicts play not to win but simply to keep playing, for as long as possible--even at the cost of physical and economic exhaustion. In continuous machine play, gamblers seek to lose themselves while the gambling industry seeks profit. Schüll describes the strategic calculations behind game algorithms and machine ergonomics, casino architecture and "ambience management," player tracking and cash access systems--all designed to meet the market's desire for maximum "time on device." 

Gambling runs out and ruin my life

A Hidden Addiction: Gambling runs out and ruin my life
so I run out of the society where the government does not accept it.

You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No, they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through like you do
And I was made for you...
All of these scars across my heart
Tell it the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When I've got no one to tell them to
It's true... I was made for you
Oh yeah, well it's true...
was made for you... 
Copyright: Phillip John Hanseroth

My story of Gambling as continued

Table Mountain is the only escape to have fun and get paid casino money in the valley of Fresno in 1999. Beginning I was kind of reluctant to be invited to shinny neon light of Table Mountain alone and always came with crowds. The crowding buddy said Earn Combs and avoid big losses Then as the feeling and sensing kind of right.

I get to used  the going there until driving alone is not a big deal and More when I sensed high so driving alone was special feeling and sensing is a way to self sacrificed just to touching a jack pot. Table Mountain was crowded all nights at all time. As I was owning to job that drive the next morning highway 41 West about 50 miles down each day to Handford, I barely miss the time because of the exciting that night and thrilling to win casino money and giving reward to  the dealer. It was fun. The more I give back, the more I will be winning. My Mazda 626 was crashed the right door where I was opposite direction of 41 Highway North. My head was smashed the steer wheel and the right door was bang inside and the glass turned to pieces. The wall of divider highway was stretched deep and pieces of debris cement was all over the shoulder lane. I was not on the left side lane that crowded with moving car but "find my silence" inside the Mazda seat. The motor police was approaching me and I was fine and the car got towed so I lied by calling my boss to not able to able to go for accident because of sickness  Then I rent car until Mazda got sold and bought another car.

As this incident I ran out and stay at Lemoore with Mexican Family that has horse ranch. I did not know that the new Indian Casino just ready to open. As I got bored at night as Lemoore was dark at night and foggy so my sensing high to hit a Jack pot in new casino was more chance to win. Black Jack was paid twice. Until my wallet was stolen then I the mail come to my brother house the identification card that was saved.  As It cursed me again then I was fired by my boss. So I ran out and far to the south to. I realize that "The Casino Took All My Money, Am I  Going Back For It?"

Story of Gambling Addiction
The wiitness of story of Fall and rise of a gambler by proclamming and writting his book for Charity to his son. Justyn Rees Larcombe had it all. Around his beautiful home were the mementoes of success - the Sword of Honour awarded by the Queen when he left Sandhurst; the silver photo frames with the pictures of his much loved wife and family; the rooms full of the rewards of a City career. But Justyn had a parallel life: he gambled. Gradually he allowed it to take over everything, getting through a staggering three quarters of a million pounds - some his own money, some his wife's, an some belonging to the company he worked for. The crunch came: he lost his job; his wife left him, taking his sons; and anything that could be sold was - and then gambled away again. One day, he had no alternative but to go back to his mother's home and start again. Today Justyn has a high profile in the media, talking about the dangers of gambling and helping others coping with gambling addiction. 

2. Story of Gambling
 CNN News, "Gambling Addiction as Real as Alcoholism." June 18, 1999.
Millions of people like to gamble, whether it be casino-style games or lotteries. For some gambling is an addiction, a sickness just like alcoholism or cancer, that can destroy lives.
It is hard to cure a compulsive gambler, but there are doctors and counselors who work with people whose lives have been turned inside out by their quest to win the big one.
Arnie Wexler is a reformed compulsive gambler who now runs a hot line for addicted gamblers. He says gambling nearly destroyed his life. "I was running around at that time of my life wishing and praying I had enough guts to kill myself. I thought that if I killed myself and left my wife with $5,000 of insurance money and two kids in the house, it was the only way out of this mess," Wexler says. Experts say compulsive gambling is a real illness.
"The addiction to gambling is different in that it's purely a behavior. It's not an addiction to a chemical or substance, but it involves a similar process, in that it's a compulsive behavior that the person has no control over," says Maimonides Medical Center clinical psychiatrist David Yamins. Because there is no chemical or substance, gambling is an invisible addiction. There are no telltale physical signs, no track marks, no smell of alcohol. Wexler says that is what makes the compulsive gambler so elusive. "I'm gonna tell you that I'm recovered 31 years, and you don't know I just didn't come from buying 1,000 lottery tickets or calling my bookmaker before you walked in here, or I just didn't get back from Atlantic City an hour ago," says Wexler. What drives the compulsion to gamble? Yamins says it is the thrill. "They're holding onto the myth, the idea that they're gonna hit it with one big turn of the wheel, or one big play of the slot, that they're gonna correct all the trouble with their life."
Many compulsive gamblers do occasionally have large paydays. Wexler had a few, but that only made his problem worse. "I chased that big win every day of my life, figuring that I can do this again," he says. Even though compulsive gambling is a legitimate medical diagnosis, treatment is not covered by insurance. Society views gambling as a behavioral problem that people should be able to control. Experts say this policy is unlikely to change until society accepts compulsive gambling as a real disease.

3. The story of Gambling Addiction

My testimony as I chase my losses of Gambling and He lost his relation. As He hit bottom. That Night He decide that he want to change his life, his attitude and come back to hearth of worship. He signed paper that if he was banned to enter the casino he will be trespassed and go to jail. Baptist Church has welcome him his kids because God has transforming him with his renew. He is in music ministry and show 10000 reason guitar song as God on the process of transforming him. Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.

There is an alternative to 12-step! You can reduce almost any type of addictive behavior -- from drinking to sex, eating, and the Internet -- with this practical and effective workbook. Treats addictive behaviors in general, not one at a time -- because if you’re prone to addictions, you’ve probably got more than one. Addictive behavior can result from the use of almost any substance, or involvement in almost any activity. The harm that results from the addictive behavior, and the individual's difficulty in controlling it, is what matters. Supported by scientific research, Dr. Horvath approaches addiction as a bad habit, not a disease. He emphasizes taking responsibility, without requiring an allegiance to a "higher power," and teaches general principles of addictive behavior change, so readers can apply them as often as they need. Horvath teaches the consequences (and even possible benefits) of addictive behavior, alternative coping methods, choice, understanding and dealing with urges, building a new lifestyle, preventing relapse. Includes dozens of exercises, self-study questions, guidelines for individual change plans

The Best Strategies for All Casino Games.
The lives of two strangers intersect, Ana, a struggling mother and Saul, a gambling addict, in a gripping drama The Hollywood Reporter calls, "Ultimately Haunting." During a petty theft gone wrong, Saul kidnaps Ana's behaviorally challenged son and their lives are tragically changed forever.

Addiction by Design
Anthropologist Natasha Dow Schüll shows how the mechanical rhythm of electronic gambling pulls players into a trancelike state they call the "machine zone," in which daily worries, social demands, and even bodily awareness fade away. Once in the zone, gambling addicts play not to win but simply to keep playing, for as long as possible--even at the cost of physical and economic exhaustion. In continuous machine play, gamblers seek to lose themselves while the gambling industry seeks profit. Schüll describes the strategic calculations behind game algorithms and machine ergonomics, casino architecture and "ambience management," player tracking and cash access systems--all designed to meet the market's desire for maximum "time on device."